Monday, April 26, 2010

Bright Ideas Energy Saving Light Bulbs

As environmental damage is increasingly on the social and political agenda, BLT Direct says that making a difference can be as easy as switching from one light bulb to another. Energy efficient bulbs may not be a new innovation but it's surprising how many households have yet to make the change. Using an energy efficient bulb in the place of a standard light bulb reduces CO2 emissions and saves energy. In fact, if every household in the country used just one energy efficient bulb, the energy saved would be enough to light up Briton's streetlights for a whole year.

If you're still not sure about energy saving bulbs and how they can help reduce your electricity bill and do your bit for the environment, read on...

Why are energy saving light bulbs better then normal bulbs?

Energy saving light bulbs work much more efficiently than standard bulbs. A traditional bulb wastes energy by producing heat as well as light. An energy saving bulb however works more like a fluorescent tube. The electric current passes through the gas in the tube, lighting it up without producing excess heat.

Do I need to replace like for like If I Switch To Energy Saving?

No. Because energy saving bulbs work more productively they use around a quarter of the electricity. This means you can replace a normal 60W bulb with a 13-18W energy saving recommended equivalent.

Will An Energy Saving Bulb Really Save Me Money?

Yes! The savings from an energy saving bulb are twofold. Firstly, because they waste less energy and use less electricity, the savings on your electricity bill are substantial. Energy saving light bulbs last up to 12 times longer than ordinary light bulbs and can save you £9 per year in electricity (and 38 kilograms of CO2 ) or £100 over the bulbs lifetime.

Secondly, as energy saving bulbs are built to last, you need to replace them less frequently, saving money on the cost of new bulbs.

But Don't Energy Saving Bulbs Cost More?

Energy saving light bulbs are more expensive than traditional light bulbs when initially purchased. However, in the long term the savings on the electricity bill and lower replacement costs make it a cheaper option.

Can I Use Energy Saving Bulbs With Existing Appliances?

Energy saving bulbs can be used with older appliances such as lamps. In addition, you can now also buy low energy light fittings which will only take low energy light bulbs. These use a ballast

or transformer fitted into the base of the light fitting. It controls the supply of electricity to the bulb, allowing for a small surge of power for a millisecond to light the bulb and then reducing the electricity flow to a very low level. Low energy fittings require a pin-based energy saving bulb. This is a different fitting to a conventional bulb but will ensure that the bulbs you buy in future will always save energy, money and the environment.

For more information,

Energy Savings Critic

Earth 4 Energy

Friday, April 23, 2010

The BARF Diet For Dog Health

Are you feeding your dog with the right food to ensure its optimum health? Is your dog food really safe? What kind of dog food really that can satisfy your dog's hunger and would help in keeping him healthy?

It has been common practice dog owners to feed their dogs with commercially available, processed dog food. Branded dog foods are what a lot of dog owners prefer. They think that by feeding their dogs with this kind of stuff, they will have no worries or whatsoever regarding their dog's health. But little do they know that these "preferred" processed dog food can just bring harm to their dog's health. Most of these foods contain a long list of additives, preservatives and grain products.

Why not feed them the way they would feed themselves in the wild? Why not give them the kind of food that their ancestors feasted originally when they were once scavengers or used to hunt for food to have their fill? Feeding your dog with fresh, raw foods is just what I am talking about; close to what Nature might offer would likely result in better health for your dog.

BARF ("biologically appropriate raw food") or "BARF" diet is the healthy, safe and nutritious way to feed your pet. The natural way your dog's ancestors used to eat just before all those manufactured, highly-processed and grain-based foods entered their digestive systems are what the BARF diet is about and is slowly winning back dog owners all over. This diet is typically made up of 60-80% of raw meaty bones(RMB), that is bones with about 50% meat, (e.g. chicken neck, back and wings) and 20-40% of fruits and vegetables, offal, meat, eggs, or dairy foods. The BARF diet looks only at the freshest whole raw food sources rich in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids derived mostly from human-edible ingredients.

The presence of bacteria in raw food often worries pet owners and vets. They assume these bacteria will imperil their dog health. However, dogs, being scavengers, have evolved to eat and thrive on bacteria laden food, requiring them for immune system maturity. Living enzymes are proteins found in raw foods which help the dog's body function better. Enzymes are only beneficial to the body if they are living. Once food is cooked or processed, it no longer contains living enzymes. Living enzymes in a raw diet restore, repair, and maintain health. Animals replenish their enzymes systems by eating raw, unprocessed foods.

So if you want to improve your dog's health, lengthen his life span, have stronger teeth, fresher breath, a better-functioning immune system and fully-developed bones or body structure, then settle for something that's natural, proven and safe for your dog's health like the BARF diet.

If we people are now trying to back to alternatives or "natural ways" to improve our health, then we should have our dogs have a good alternative too...The BARF diet.

I am Maikeru Sazushima. I love to write about my hobbies. Please visit for more articles and blogs on dog health.

Dog Supplements | Dog Vitamins

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Finding Information On The Latest In Kitchenware For Your Home

If you are like many women and men in the 21st century, you like to have the most up to date kitchenware for your home. In this regard, because you like to keep up with the current trends and changes when it comes to kitchenware, you may be interested in informational resources in regard to the latest trends in kitchenware.

First of all, in this day and age, there are a number of truly solid television shows broadcasting in this day and age that provide information on the latest developments in regard to kitchenware. You might want to consider tuning into one or another of these programs to get updated on what is being done and sold in the way of kitchenware in this day and age.

Keep in mind that in addition to television broadcasts, there are also some very helpful videos or DVDs that can assist you in making decisions on what types of newly designed kitchenware you might want to consider buying. Of course, one of the benefits to be had to viewing videos as opposed to watching television broadcasts is that you can watch these videos at your convenience.

There are some wonderful books now on the market that explore what the best outfitted kitchen includes. These books generally are available at major booksellers in the brick and mortar world. In addition, many kitchen supply stores also maintain these types of books in their inventories. Finally, on occasion, some home improvement centers in operation in the brick and mortar world also include these types of books on their shelves. As an aside, in some communities, libraries to maintain books of these nature in some instances.

Finally, as with so many other products and services in the 21st century, the Internet is a wonderful resource for information on the latest kitchenware and cookware that is available on the market at this point in time. There are websites that even provide independent evaluations about the latest kitchenware products that have been introduced into the marketplace. Through these independent evaluations you will be in a better position to make a decision about which kitchenware and cookware products will best meet your needs -- not only in the immediate but into the more long term future as well. You will be able to make sounder purchasing decisions through the use of these types of Internet based informational websites.

KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer

KitchenAid Stand Mixer

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Coping With Hearing Loss

Oddly enough, I've come to think that losing my hearing was one of the best things that ever happened to me, as it led to the publication of my first novel. But it took a while for me to accept that I was losing my hearing and needed help.

I believe that no matter how tough things get, you can make them better. I have my parents to thank for that. They never allowed me to think that I couldn't accomplish something because of my hearing loss. One of my mother's favorite sayings when I expressed doubt that I could do something was, "Yes, you can."

I was born with a mild hearing loss but began to lose more of my hearing when I was a senior in college. One day while sitting in my college dormitory room reading, I noticed my roommate get up from her bed, go to the princess telephone in our room, pick it up and start talking. None of that would have seemed strange, except for one thing: I never heard the telephone ring! I wondered why I couldn't hear a phone that I could hear just the day before. But I was too baffled--and embarrassed--to say anything to my roommate or to anyone else.

Late-deafened people can always remember the moments when they first stopped being able to hear the important things in life like telephones and doorbells ringing, people talking in the next room, or the television. It's sort of like remembering where you were when you learned that President Kennedy had been shot or when you learned about the terror attack at the World Trade Center.

Unbeknown to me at the time, that was only the beginning of my downward spiral, as my hearing grew progressively worse. But I was young and still vain enough not to want to buy a hearing aid. I struggled through college by sitting up front in the classroom, straining to read lips and asking people to speak up, sometimes again and again.

By the time I entered graduate school, I could no longer put it off. I knew that I had to buy a hearing aid. By then, even sitting in front of the classroom wasn't helping much. I was still vain enough to wait a few months while I let my hair grow out a bit before taking the plunge but I eventually did buy a hearing aid. It was a big, clunky thing, but I knew that I would have to be able to hear if I ever wanted to graduate.

Soon, my hair length didn't matter much, as the hearing aids got smaller and smaller. They also got better and better at picking up sound. The early aids did little more than make sounds louder evenly across the board. That doesn't work for those of us with nerve deafness, as we may have more hearing loss in the high frequencies than in the lower ones. The newer digital and programmable hearing aids go a long way toward improving on that. They can be set to match different types of hearing loss, so you can, say, increase a particular high frequency more than other frequencies.

Once I got my hearing aid and was able to hear again, I could focus on other things that were important to me--like my education, my career and writing that first novel! I didn't realize it then, but that first hearing aid actually freed me to go on to bigger and better things.

I had long dreamed of writing a novel, but like others kept putting it off. As I began to lose more and more of my hearing, it was a chore just to keep up at work, let alone doing much else. Then once I got the hearing aid, I no longer had to worry about a lot of the things I did before, and I began to think that writing a novel would be the perfect hobby for me. Anyone can write regardless of whether they can hear. I was also determined to prove that losing my hearing would not hold me back.

My first novel was published in 1994 and my fifth in the summer of 2005. Writing turned out to be much more than a hobby, as I've been writing full-time for more than 10 years. I'm now hard at work on my first nonfiction work, a photo-essay book to be published in 2007. I honestly believe that I would never have sat down at the computer and banged out that first novel if I hadn't lost so much of my hearing. Instead, I'd probably still be an editor somewhere and still dreaming about someday becoming a novelist. That's why I sometimes think that losing my hearing was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

Affordable Hearing Aids Austin TX

Hearing Aid Styles Review Austin TX

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New York State Lottery

If you are lucky enough to win the New York State Lottery, it could make you the very next king of the hill! The New York State Lottery is not only one of the largest but one of the oldest state lotteries here in the United States. New Hampshire takes the prize for having the oldest lottery.

The New York State Lottery runs three jackpots, about a dozen scratch-off games and five daily drawings though 15,000 retailers and approximately 14,000 online outlets.

The establishment of the New York State Lottery was made by the new state constitution which was passed in 1966. Just about one third of the lottery’s revenue, which results in $2 billion a year, goes directly to the support of New York City Education. The New York State Lottery also awards scholarships to the Leaders of Tomorrow to one eligible graduating senior who is chosen from each private and public school in the state. The only stipulation to accepting this award is that they must attend New York universities.

There are several games that can be played in the lottery. Here are a couple of the favorites and how to play them:

Take Five – Visit any New York State Lottery retailer and ask for a playcard. Choose 5 numbers that go from 1 to 39 and fill in the squares you have chosen as instructed on the playcard. You may also select the Quick Pick option which saves you a lot of time and let the computer randomly select the numbers for you. Each playcard contains 5 game panels so that means that you can get to play up to 5 times on each of your playcards. The minimum cost is $1 for 1 game. Of course, you can play up to $5 if you choose the 5-game playcard. Choose the number of drawing that you want to participate in. Seven drawings in advance can be played – all on one ticket. Return your playcard to the retailer and you will get a separate ticket for each processed playcard. Always check your tickets to make sure that the dates and numbers that are printed are correct. That’s all there is to it. Now all you have to do is sit back and wait to see if you are the lucky winner! The live TV drawings take place at 11:21 P.M. You can play every day from %:30 A.M.

Quick Draw – The next exciting game to play in the New York State Lottery is Quick Draw. There are a variety of ways you can play this game. You are the one to select the amount to play, the odds as well as how much you can win! On Quick Draw you decide how many numbers you wish to play. Then, select up to 10 numbers ranging from 1 through 80. You can wither choose the Quick Pick Option or make sure that you choose the same amount of numbers that you had chosen in the first section. Check off the amount you wish to wager per game and then decide on how many games you wish to play; then after everything is completed hand your playcard back to the Quick Draw retailer. Every four minutes the New York State Lottery’s computer randomly picks 20 numbers from the field of 1 through 80. They will then appear on the Quick Draw monitor. You are a winner based on how many of the numbers you match. You will find the Quick Draw game wherever you are having fun whether it is at a restaurant, bowling center, bar or another game center. Terminals stay open from 5:30 A.M. to midnight to accept your wagers. There are nearly 3,000 licensed locations at which you can play Quick Draw.

New York state lotto - the classic. Pick up a playcard with 10 game panels. Each panel shows squares numbered 1 through 59. Pick 6 numbers from 1 through 59.Using a black pencil or a black or blue ballpoint pen (red ink will not be accepted), fill in your choice of any 6 of the 59 numbered squares in a game panel. Or save time by choosing Quick Pick and letting the computer randomly select numbers for you. The minimum play is $1 for two (2) game panels. Or you can play up to $5 on the 10-playcard.

It’s all in the luck of the draw. Do you feel lucky? Then try the New York State Lotto today!

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Adult Dating - Adult Dating Overview

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Colocation Facility Cooling System Considerations

Most companies know to find a colocation facility that has good Internet service and Internet provider and carrier options. However, cooling systems are often overlooked. Most servers now are made to operate at normal office conditions, which mean that two environmental factors should be met:
  • The temperature should stay between 72° F and 76° F
  • The humidity should be between 45% and 60%, with 45% ideal
  • Cooling units must be on continuously, so servers will not overheat (this precludes standard HVAC units).

If the cooling system goes down, it can cause the equipment to overheat, causing the network to go down and even damaging equipment. Colocation facility cooling systems include three areas: the facility layout, chillers, and computer room air conditioning (CRAC) units.

Facility Layout
Servers generate heat as they run. This is generally blown out the back of the server by fans; cool air is taken in through vents at the front. Server racks and rows should be laid out to manage hot air coming from the servers and conditioned air going to their intakes by designating “hot rows,” which face the server fans, and “cold rows,” which face the intakes. Designated hot and cold rows keep air circulating in the best directions to keep servers from overheating.

Facility Design
There are two kinds of building design for colocation facilities: raised floor and solid floor. Raised floor was the preferred structure when servers were towers because the mesh flooring allowed air conditioned air to blow from the bottom directly across their intakes. However, since servers are stacked in racks, cold air must reach the tops of the racks to cool machines. Solid floor facilities are a better option. The facility should take into account the following:

  • Solid floor designs must have mesh front and rear doors for th server cabinets to allow hot air to escape.
  • For raised floor designs, cold air must have enough air pressure to force air to the top of the server cabinets. Ideally, special duct work will be in place to force the airflow upward.
  • For raised floors, server cabinets should not have vents in the doors that would let cool air escape.

Chiller Systems
Chillers pipe water or water/glycol coolants through the CRAC units. Chiller systems include pumps, pipes, and the chillers themselves. The following points should be considered to make sure that the system is adequate to cool the facility:

  • Sufficient capacity
  • Backup units for the pumps and chillers which switch over automatically
  • Regular maintenance

CRAC Units
CRAC units are massive, dedicated air conditioners which manage temperature and humidity. They have many parts and are complicated – meaning failures can be common. The CRAC units should be well maintained, but the most important thing is redundancy. Redundancy is determined by the overall capacity of the CRAC units; there should be enough units that even with a failure, the facility will still be adequately cooled. As with chillers, capacity for CRAC units is determined by tons per square foot.

Verify Capacity
Capacity is determined by the ratio of tons per square foot. To determine whether a system has sufficient capacity, divide the total tonnage of the units by the square footage of the building. If there are four 30-ton CRAC units in a 4,000 square foot facility, then the CRAC capacity is .030 tons per square foot (120 tons / 4,000 square feet). The ideal ratio of tons to square feet for the CRAC system is .030 ton/square foot or higher; the ratio should not be below .025 tons/square foot. This same formula is used for chiller systems, with the same ideal ratios.

It is important to look for a colocation facility that has Internet provider options and backup power systems. Equally important is a facility with the right design, chillers, and CRAC units to cool the server room. Keeping equipment from overheating will keep networks up and makes equipment last longer. Like Internet connections, network uptime, and power backups, cooling systems signify a quality colocation facility.

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